Newsletter #21




EU report 2017 regarding pesticide residues in food

Bron: official press release EFSA

In July, the European Food Safety Authority has published "The 2017 European Union report on pesticide residues in food". This report provides an overview of the 2017 official control activities on pesticide residues carried out in the European Union (EU) Member States, Iceland and Norway. It summarises the results of both the 2017 EU-coordinated control program (EUCP) and the national control programs (NP). While the NPs are mostly risk based focusing on pesticides or products originating from countries where a number of exceedances have been observed in the past, the EUCP aims to present a statistically representative snapshot of the situation of pesticide residues in food products that are mostly consumed in the EU following a random sampling procedure.

Below you can find a summary of the results:

  • The reporting countries analysed 88,247 samples for 801 pesticides. On average, 229 pesticides were analysed per sample.
  • Most of the samples (56,718, 64.3% of the total) originated from the reporting countries (EU, Iceland and Norway); 25,409 samples (28.8%) were from products imported from third countries. The origin of the products was unknown for 6,120 samples (6.9%).
  • Overall, 95.9% of the samples analysed (EUCP and national programmes) fell within the legal limits (84,627 samples), i.e. the measured levels did not exceed the MRLs permitted in EU legislation.
  • In 4.1% of the samples, the residue levels exceeded the MRLs (3,620 samples).
  • Considering the measurement uncertainty, 2.5% of the samples (2,221 samples) exceeded the legal limits (non-compliance) triggering legal or administrative actions.
  • 54.1% of the samples tested did not contain quantifiable residue levels (residue levels were below the LOQ) and 41.8% contained quantified residues below the MRLs

For all details, please read the extensive official report here.







