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Slurry mixing: recipe for reliable results 

February 2024

In the dynamic landscape of food and feed
analysis, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of
production is a constant challenge for the food
industry. Contaminants, often unevenly distributed within batches, present a risk to production continuity.

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Challenges in mineral oil analysis

October 2023

Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) are a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, which are chemical compounds of different
sizes and structures. MOH are mainly derived from crude oil.
The group of MOH comprises both ‘aromatic’ hydrocarbons (MOAH) and ‘saturated’ hydrocarbons (MOSH).


Nicotine on food: clearing the smoke

September 2023

Nicotine is the main alkaloid in tobacco and other tobacco species; it is also found in low concentrations in other crops belonging to the family of Solanaceae. Due to its insecticidal capacity, the compound was used as an active substance in
plant protection products in the past.



August 2023

Dithiocarbamates (DTCs) are a group of organosulfur fungicides, widely used for decades to control hundreds of fungal pathogens in a variety of crops. DTCs are very instable and therefore metabolise quickly to carbon disulfide (CS2). This causes two important challenges: (i) naturally occurring CS2 in certain crops can generate false positive results and (ii) the analytical distinction of the different DTCs is very challenging. 


Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

July 2023

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are naturally occurring compounds
which are mainly produced as secondary metabolites by plants to ward off predators (herbivores) but are also produced by certain fungi and bacteria.

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Harmonised action limits for MOAH in food

November 2022

Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) are a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, which are chemical compounds of different sizes and structures. MOH can be present on food as a contaminant, resulting from for example pollution, food processing or packaging.


Acrylamide - heated with a twist

May 2023

Some foods, such as potatoes, are heated in order to obtain a certain, desired, flavour and aroma. However, during this heating (>120°C) also acrylamide can be formed, in a process known as the Maillard reaction.


Harmonised action limits for MOAH in food

November 2022

Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) are a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, which are chemical compounds of different sizes and structures. MOH can be present on food as a contaminant, resulting from for example pollution, food processing or packaging.



Alternative sources for pesticides

February 2023

Positive findings of active ingredients of pesticide products in food and feed samples can certainly not always be attributed to deliberate use. This can lead to disagreements between different parties of the food industry as well as between laboratories and their clients.





Newsletter highlight

Audit Relana réussi

Primoris est membre de Relana, le cercle de qualité d'une douzaine de laboratoires européens, acteurs dans les analyses de pesticides et contaminants. En début d’année, Primoris a eu un audit relana pour lequel il a reçu d'excellents commentaires. Avant tout, notre laboratoire affiche un niveau de qualité élevé, De plus,  les auditeurs ont été impressionnés par la compétence de notre personnel.

Lire plus d’articles

Flash news

Acrylamide - mise-à-jour méthode

Grâce aux efforts de notre équipe R&D interne, nous pouvons désormais proposer une analyse de l'acrylamide avec un délai d'analyse considérablement réduit et une limite de rapportage plus bas

Législation | Arsenic inorganique dans céréales, riz et aliments pour bébés

Le 06/03/2023, la Commission européenne a publié son règlement 2023/0465 sur les teneurs maximales en arsenic inorganique dans certains denrées alimentaires.

Hydrazide maléique par LC-MS/MS

Nous analyserons désormais l'hydrazide maléique (MH) avec LC-MS/MS et non plus avec UV, ce qui donne des résultats plus rapides et plus précis.